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EBE Railway Systems

Rautenweg 14
A-1220 Vienna

Tel.: +43-1-865 76 00   
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Contents of the homepage

This website was created with care and is constantly updated. EBE Railway Systems assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against us relating to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded, unless there is evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. We expressly reserve the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

Links and references

In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites (‘links’) that lie outside the author's area of responsibility, a liability obligation would only come into force in the event that the author is aware of the content and it would be technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent use in the event of illegal content. The author hereby expressly declares that no illegal content was recognisable on the linked pages at the time the links were created. We have no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. We therefore hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content of all linked pages that were changed after the link was created. This statement applies to all links set within our own website. Liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information lies solely with the provider of the page to which reference is made, and not with the person who merely refers to the respective publication via links.

Copyright and trademark law

We endeavour to observe the copyrights of the graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to use graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts created by ourselves or to use licence-free graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts. All brands and trademarks mentioned on the website and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The mere mention of a trade mark does not imply that it is not protected by third-party rights! The copyright for published objects created by us remains solely with us. Reproduction or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of EBE Railway Systems

Office Vienna
Rautenweg 14
1220 Vienna, Austria
T +43 1 865 76 00
F +43 1 865 76 00 - 95