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Solutions for every type of rail transport

In the market segments of main lines, regional railways, connecting and industrial railways as well as nostalgic museum and seasonal railways, we contribute to the success of our customers’ projects with our many years of experience in the field of safety technology and our innovative products. Based on a uniform technology, we find specially adapted solutions for every area and every type of rail traffic.

Main lines

Main lines are of great importance for public transport and a means of transport for many travellers. Maximum safety and reliability are top priorities, as is rapid repair and interaction with numerous other safety systems. With our SIL4-certified level crossing system ISIS-LC, we meet these requirements and find the right solution for your project.

Regional railways

We realize a large part of our projects in the area of regional railways, which also require a high level of safety and reliability as well as low maintenance. With our flexible system concept, we react to your individual requirements and adapt the safety system to the local conditions.

Industrial railways

Freight traffic on the railways is under ever-increasing cost pressure, while at the same time safety requirements are rising.  The flexible ISIS-LC modular system enables perfect integration into the processes of your connecting railway at low acquisition costs. In addition to the technical solution, we also offer the entire project management as a general contractor.

Heritage railways

For heritage railways, our innovative ISIS-LC level crossing system enables a simplified system structure and thus the lowest investment costs. With our easy-to-use systems, even heritage railways can increase safety at their level crossings.


Office Vienna
Rautenweg 14
1220 Vienna, Austria
T +43 1 865 76 00
F +43 1 865 76 00 - 95